THE OUTSIDERS - movie is trash, book is not

In some ways the movie did stay true to the novel but, there were many things that were just plain out had about the movie compared to the book. The emotion, the acting, it just wasn’t the same. The book made it feel more real. I think the director did a bad job delivering the novel's message because the actors did not show the same emotion that the characters in the book did. I didn’t really feel the same way I did when I read the book. They were almost like robots.

Between The Outsiders book and movie there were many similarities. For example, in both Pony and Johnny were in the drive in movie where they met Cherry Valance and Marcia. Also, Johnny had killed Bob the SOC leading him and Ponyboy to run away and hide in the abandoned church. Both the movie and the book had the scene about the Church fire and Johnny had broke his back. In both movie and the book, Johnny tells Ponyboy to stay golden. This is an important scene because when Johnny tells him this he wants Pony to realize he needs to stay himself, to stay the Pony he always has been and appreciate life for what it is because one day, life will end on him like it ended for Johnny. Along with the part where Dally goes to rob a convenience store and gets shot by the fuzz and dies shortly after.

The Outsiders book and movie had many differences as well. For example, in the book we met Darry really quick and we knew what kind of person he was. In the movie we didn't meet Darry up until the part where he shoved Ponyboy which caused him to runaway. At that point we thought Darry was a bad person. Also, In the beginning of the book Ponyboy got jumped by the SOC’s walking home. In the movie that scene never happened, it jumped straight to the part about the drive in. In the book The Greasers were from the East and the SOC’s were from the West part of town but in the movie the Greasers were from the North and SOC’s were from the South. Also, in the book when Ponyboy comes home at 2am, Darry smacks him in the face, in the movie Darry shoves him to the ground. Lastly, in the book when Johnny and Dally died everyone seemed so devastated by it, and showed so much sadness. But in the movie everyone seemed like they didn't care, they just ignored it as if nothing happened.

In my opinion I think the director did a very bad job trying to compare The Outsiders book characters to the movie characters. The acting was bad for all the characters. They had no emotion it was obvious it was really fake. The only one who's acting was good was Dally’s. The rest of the characters had that type of acting people did in those old Mexican sitcoms. Even though the acting was bad, they did a really good job dressing like Greasers. Everything about that was spot on. But, overall the actors were bad.


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