My First Homerun - Dream come True

BLEEP ! BLEEP! BLEEP! As my coaches alarm was ringing waking up everyone in disgust. "SHUT IT OFF!" Me and my teammates screamed. My team and I were not morning people. (Me and my team were in Cooperstown and when you're there you have to sleep in the same room with your team in a little Barack. Along with the other 100 teams that are there.)

      It was time for breakfast, the most important meal of the day. Really important for us because we always have morning games. In Cooperstown you couldn't go anywhere without wearing your uniform. As we changed to head to breakfast, the whole team was just talking about the game today and how they're gonna hit homeruns and whoop the other team. We might sound cocky, but thats not the case. We're just confident.

      After we ate breakfast we head back to back to our barrack to get all our baseball stuff and head to the field. Just like any other game I has butterflies and excitement at the same time. While walking to the field, I did what every kid who plays sports does. I started day dreaming about all the crazy stuff that I could do in the game. But the one thing I was focused on in that day dream was me hitting a homerun.

      It has always been my dream to hit that baseball over the fence in a game, but sadly that has never happened. Not yet at least. They say Cooperstown Dreams Park is where dreams come true... but little did I know today would be the day my dream finally came true.

      During warmups the thought of hitting a homerun never crossed my mind once. I was just doing my thing, getting loose and having some fun. I really felt that me not thinking about hitting a homerun during warmups really helped me that game. I think that it helped me because whenever I think about hitting a homerun before the game, it really just makes me overconfident and I end up striking out. Warmups is the time to get ready for the game, whether its physically or mentally. I had no stress in my mind, I had nothing to worry about.

      The first inning of the game was nothing special, neither teams scored, it was an easy 1-2-3 for both teams. But now it was the bottom of the second. I was on deck, i was just swinging my bat trying to get ready for my upcoming at bat. Now i was up to bat, I stepped in the box, took my deep breath and gave the pitcher the sign that I was ready. The first 2 pitches were no where near the strike zone. Here comes the 2-0, "STRIKE," I step out the box and thought to myself, "WHY THE HECK DID I NOT SWING AT THAT!" I knew i wasn't going to see a better pitch in that at bat. But another thing i knew was that a 2-1 sound was my type of count.

      Here comes the next pitch..... "DING!" As i dropped my bat in amazement, I started jogging thinking to myself if i really just maybe hit a homerun. I just watched the ball fly over the yard with the left fielder chasing it. When the ball finally went over the fence I screamed at the top of my lungs,  "LETS GET IT!!!!" I was so happy, i was sprinting around those bases. I could not believe I just did that. I had the biggest smile on my face. When i reached homeplate my teammates mobbed me smacking the top of my helmet. I looked over to my family and they all gave me the big thumbs up. I sat down in the dugout and thought to myself, "Who really knew Cooperstown was where dreams come true."



  1. You sound really motivated after that, it's inspiring to hear your passion!

  2. Awesome emotion in this story! Keep this up! Thanks for sharing such a cool story!

  3. Dude, i love this story. Don't ask, because I have no idea why but towards the end i felt the need to cry.


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